Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Father's Day Weekend!

Well, we made the rounds this year for Father's Day weekend. We started on Friday down in Springfield to visit my dad. We spent a nice couple of days relaxing at Momo and Popo's house

Saturday evening, it was off to visit Em's other grandparents in Springfield. We all took our annual trip out to New Berlin to the county fair! Emily had so much fun. She is a lucky little girl to have such a good daddy!! Here they are watching the elephant show.

She didn't sit with dad for long though. She let us know real quick she's a big girl now and headed straight to the fence to get as close to the elephants as possible :)

Since Kristy and Adam are pretzels now, they only had to take a short walk up the road to join us in our county fun. Em had tons of fun since they were into playing games and riding the rides with her!

Even Ma-Ma braved her weak stomach to ride the wiggly worm!
Emily loved every single ride (except the big slide). She wanted to keep riding them again and again!

Sunday we headed to Sullivan to visit Chad's parents for father's day and the annual family reunion. Unfortunately it was sooo hot, our camera didn't even make it out for pictures there.

Em had lots of fun, but got a little hot and crabby at nap time so we headed home.

Where we cooled off in our huge backyard pool :)
HA...I don't even think Emily barely fits in this little froggy pool anymore!
But she still had TONS OF FUN!

Happy Father's Day to all of you Dad's out there!!

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