Thursday, November 19, 2009

Time Is Flying By!!

Well, it is almost time for me to go back to work. I can't believe Haley is already 6 weeks old! Time has flown by. Luckily I am only going back part time until after the holidays.

We have had a lot of fun since I've been off work. Before the weather turned totally icky we went to the zoo with our good friends!

Emily Loved playing in the leaves!

Back at the homestead, Emily has been our source of is Em, Haley and Emily's baby doll working out on the baby mat :) Emily set this all up!

There has been a lot of dress up going this was not her THIRD Halloween costume.

And lots of messes!!

While Haley just sits back and takes it all in.

Don't they look sweet?? In case you can't read Em's shirt, it says what Santa doesn't bring me for Christmas, grandma will. I think she's got them all figured out already.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Professional Pictures

We went and had our pictures done this weekend! The girls were really good...once Haley got to eat! Here's a sneak peek of the many shots they took.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Weekend!

Emily had a really hard time deciding what she wanted to be this year. Every day she would change her mind. So we ended up borrowing a costume and rounded up some gear from her closet too!

Our Halloween adventures started off on Friday night. We went trick-or-treating at the downtown business offices. Thank goodness it FINALLY stopped raining about 3:30. It was a little chilly and windy, but Emily had been disappointed one too many times this Halloween season with plans being cancelled because of the weather. So we bundled up Haley in her stroller and met Emma for some Halloween fun! We borrowed a good witch costume from a friend. She looked so cute in it, but I never got a picture of the full costume :( The wind kept blowing off the hat, and it was so chilly I made her wear a jacket.

She was all smiles eating out in her costume after the trick-or-treating fun!

Haley was just glad to be unbundled and getting some fresh air :)

On Halloween morning, Emily decided she didn't want to be a witch anymore. She wanted to be a Cardinal cheerleader. Fortunately we had that costume covered :)
Haley was a little small for her pumpkin costume...poor thing. At least it kept her warm because it was a a chilly night for trick or treating!

She had the whole cheerleader routine down pat from all of her practice at the high school football games!

Best friends! We have this same pose from last year :)

The theme of the night was "go, go, go"...had to move them along quickly before the sun went down! They were so funny running from house to house!

One of the houses a little haunted house..Em said it didn't scare her, but her face told us something different!
Happy Halloween everyone!