Sunday, October 3, 2010

Yes, We are Alive!!

Just a couple quick pics of the girls...JUST IN CASE someone out there is still looking :)
Haley will be one this week on Wednesday. I can't believe how fast it goes. They have turned into quite the playmates..Emily still pushes Haley around quite a bit, but I'm guessing that won't be happening much longer.
I am busy, busy, busy with work this year so we try to cherish any time we get to just hang out as a family.

Emily got the chance to be a flower bearer for homecoming this past week at the high school assembly. She was nervous until she got to put the pretty dress on then she did great. She's started pre-school now, so she is really cracking us up with some of the things that come out of her mouth.
She is taking dance and gymnastics too, so she's a pretty busy girl.

Haley is on the move. She started walking right after she turned 10 months and she hasn't slowed down since! She will climb on anything she can and has absolutely no fear. Her nick name is now Sharky because she will chew on everything in sight..especially tables at restaurants :)
Happy fall to everyone! I hope to get pics up from Haley's 1st birthday and our upcoming trip to the pumpkin patch, but I'm not making any promises!